
SDASH – Risk Assessment

Standardising the way we asses the risks of violence against victims of domestic abuse, stalking, harassment and honour based violence helps acting bevor it is too late.

A number of high risk factors have been identified as being associated with serious violence and murder through researching many cases. We cannot predict what will happen in your case. However, we would like you to be aware of what those risk factors are and whether they are occurring in your case.

If you have already reported to the police do not despair if you have not been satisfied with the initial police response. Keep trying to be heard.

We can assure you that most police officers want to help, but they sometimes lack the tools and training needed.

DASH Forms are supposed to be filled out with trained persons, e.g. police persons or ISACs. You can of course do a self check and fill it out yourself.

Please be safe and trust your instincts, and get help

You want to support Victims of Stalking?

Palaldin NSAS is a not for profit organisation. The funds we raise enable us to continue our life changing work. With your help and support we can do more. There are many ways you can help to keep victims safe. Make a differnce to someones life now